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Membership in the Musconetcong Watershed Association is open to individuals who support the organization's purpose:


  1. To protect and improve the resources of the Musconetcong watershed through conservation, preservation, and regional planning;

  2. To support the sustainable use of these resources;

  3. To promote alternative development practices;

  4. To conduct scientific investigations, monitoring and research to aid in the accomplishment of any and all of the above purposes; and,

  5. To do all things suitable and appropriate to protect and improve the communities within or near the watershed.


To become a member, individuals must complete an application and pay the annual membership dues. Members in good standing are entitled to vote at the annual or special meetings of the Association, and may participate in its activities. Members will receive regular updates from the Musconetcong Watershed Association as well as enjoy discounts on activities where appropriate. Join us in our mission to protect and improve the quality of the Musconetcong River and its Watershed, including its natural and cultural resources. The full details of membership are outlined in the Musconetcong Watershed Association Bylaws.

2022 Annual Meeting_Crowd.jpg

Musconetcong Watershed Association
10 Maple Avenue, P.O. Box 113
Asbury, NJ 08802

The Musconetcong Watershed Association is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and improving the quality of the Musconetcong Watershed and its waters for people and nature

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(908) 537-7060

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