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Musconetcong River Management Council



Tuesday, February 18th Meeting:​

River Information & Programs

Print copies of the above materials are available for pick up from the Musconetcong Watershed Association at 10 Maple Ave., Asbury, NJ 08802. Or you can call 908-537-7060 or email to have one mailed to you.


With the passage of the Musconetcong Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, the Musconetcong Advisory Committee, which guided the designation process, was replaced by the Musconetcong River Management Council (MRMC).


The purpose of the Musconetcong River Management Council is to implement the River Management Plan (RMP) which was developed as a required step in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Study.  The RMP was a cooperative effort of the Musconetcong Advisory Committee, Musconetcong Watershed Association, Heritage Conservancy, the National Park Service, and a variety of local, county and state representatives.


The MRMC uses the RMP to promote the long-term protection of the Musconetcong River by: (1) bringing those involved in river issues together on a regular and ongoing basis, (2) stimulating cooperation and coordination among those organizations and individuals, (3) providing a forum for all river interests to discuss and resolve issues, and (4) coordinating implementation of the River Management Plan.


The RMP sets forth five major goals and recommends actions to maintain and improve the Musconetcong River corridor, its tributaries and watershed, and surrounding natural, cultural and recreational resources.


The Musconetcong River is a "Partnership River"


The Musconetcong River study process was conducted by the National Park Service under the "Partnership Program".  This component of the Wild and Scenic Rivers System handles rivers that flow primarily through private land, all four N.J. Wild and Scenic rivers are Partnership Rivers. For the Musconetcong River, this management system means the National Park Service will not own, manage or police the river and surrounding riparian areas as it does within the boundaries of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area.


As a subset of the greater National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, the Partnership Wild and Scenic Rivers Program helps communities preserve and manage their own river-related resources locally by bringing together State, county, and community managers to preserve the outstanding and remarkable values for which the rivers were set aside.


National Wild and Scenic River System


Musconetcong Watershed Association
10 Maple Avenue, P.O. Box 113
Asbury, NJ 08802

The Musconetcong Watershed Association is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and improving the quality of the Musconetcong Watershed and its waters for people and nature

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(908) 537-7060

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