About Us
What We Do
Instream Update
Progress in the Musconetcong River Restoration: Warren Mill Dam Removal Initiative
Press Release: Segment of Musconetcong River Added to National Wild & Scenic River System
Press Release: New Jersey Conservation Organizations Partner on Continued Clean Water Efforts
Educational Trail Wildlife Survey
Earth Day in the Musconetcong Watershed!
Press Release: A More Fishable, Swimmable New Jersey: 600 Miles of Waterways Win Major Protections U
New Year, Green Resolutions
Congressional approvals mean more support for the Musky
Substantial funder attends MWA Annual Meeting
MWA's Congressional Visit
Return of the Shad
Rejuvenating the Musconetcong River: The Beatty's Mill Dam Removal Project
New Report Seeks to Address Wastewater Challenges
Flow Together Workshop Series: Shaping the Future of Musconetcong Watershed
Musconetcong Island Park: A Collaborative Effort to Create Accessible Public Space
Restoring the MWA’s Educational Trail
A Day in the Field: A Note from the Executive Director
Hurray for Headwaters! Summer Fun in the Great Waters of New Jersey
Hike MWA's Educational Trail