About Us
What We Do
Instream Update
Press Release: Segment of Musconetcong River Added to National Wild & Scenic River System
Press Release: New Jersey Conservation Organizations Partner on Continued Clean Water Efforts
Educational Trail Wildlife Survey
Earth Day in the Musconetcong Watershed!
Press Release: A More Fishable, Swimmable New Jersey: 600 Miles of Waterways Win Major Protections U
New Year, Green Resolutions
Congressional approvals mean more support for the Musky
Substantial funder attends MWA Annual Meeting
MWA's Congressional Visit
Return of the Shad
Progress in the Musconetcong River Restoration: Warren Mill Dam Removal Initiative
Rejuvenating the Musconetcong River: The Beatty's Mill Dam Removal Project
New Report Seeks to Address Wastewater Challenges
Flow Together Workshop Series: Shaping the Future of Musconetcong Watershed
Musconetcong Island Park: A Collaborative Effort to Create Accessible Public Space
Restoring the MWA’s Educational Trail
A Day in the Field: A Note from the Executive Director
Hurray for Headwaters! Summer Fun in the Great Waters of New Jersey
Hike MWA's Educational Trail